#Game on

Hey everyone, it’s your gal Ziggi and she’s ready to blog.

In our class time we have watched a educational video with paid actors starring. The video has taught me a bunch of lessons of harms and damages to my life that could possibly happen. So at the start of the video, this boy mentions that he got this awesome ringtone app which everything is free. It turned out his parents had a great big bill from that app. Reading the terms and conditions or some fine print can prevent that from happening.

In that same scene these two best friends were fighting because one of them posted ridiculous photos of her on her social media. The friend that ‘posted’ the photos had given her password to her as they were besties. That is not ok. You shouldn’t give your password to ANYONE except your parents. Yes it was the friend thatdidnt own the account posted the photos. I guess she was trying to get her in trouble and get sympathy.

The clip includes these two boys who play video games till 4 in the morning and sleeping during school, how is that even possible.Even though the game was addictive, playing until morning is wrong. Meeting people online is wrong. Betraying your friend is wrong. Making your parents pay for your game is wrong.

My over view of game on :The whole video is basically about teaching kids through a video of kids acting instead of a teacher explaining the whole thing. Of each catastrophe in the clip was a subtle message which was pretty obvious. But gives an idea to children of what not to do.

I enjoyed the video as it was entertaining and wasn’t boring. All children should be taught by that video.


Ziggi over and out.